Thursday, January 31, 2008

Journal Challenge Day #26

Scripture: Acts 26:24
At this point Festus interrupted Paul's defense. "You are out of your mind, Paul!" he shouted."

Observation: When Paul stands before Agrippa and shares his testimony about what Christ had done in his life, King Agrippa declared, "Paul, you're crazy - you have lost your mind." King Agrippa could not come to terms with the radical change that occurred in Paul's life so he assumed that it was knowledge that drove him mad. In reality, it was love, not learning that was the catalyst for Paul's great change. Agrippa couldn't come to terms with how a one-time Pharisee and murderer of Christians was now the faith's most avid champion. Agrippa was left with only one logical conclusion: Paul had lost his mind.

I wonder what would happen if all the Christ followers in the world today were so radically changed by a personal encounter with the God of the universe that we were accused of losing our mind. What would our communities, cities, and country be like. Just imagine if we truly loved God with our WHOLE heart and were completely committed to loving other believers and those far from God - what would our church look like. If we gave of ourselves - even to the point of death - sacrificing not only our time, talent and treasure - but willingly face death for the cause of Christ - how would that impact our world today.

God, I pray that you would help me live my life everyday that others would literally say, "Dave, you have lost your mind." That I would love You, my wife and family, my church and my community with a reckless abandon ... sacrificing my time, money and energy to serve the poor and to heal the broken for your sake. Change me.