Sunday, January 27, 2008

Journal Challenge Day #22

Scripture: Acts 22:10
What shall I do, Lord? I asked.

Paul asked Jesus perhaps the most powerful question anyone can ask God. After Jesus confronted him on the road to Damasucs, he fell to the ground off his horse and was dazed and confused. (Sometimes when we think we know best God has to knock us off our high horse. Hmmm.) Paul's only response, "What shall I do, Lord?"

When in doubt or in a time of decisions, I simply need to ask God, "What do you want me to do?" That tiny question acknowledges my insufficiency and inadequacy before an all-knowing and all-powerful God. To acknowledge your need for help and wisdom from God is the where true wisdom begins.

God, I ask you once again for your wisdom and direction. Guide my steps today. Lead me in my decision-making responsibilities. Give me your mind and let me see the events of today from your perspective. Help me honor you in every decision I make today.