Saturday, January 12, 2008

Day #7 Journal Challenge

Scripture: Acts 7:49
"What kind of house will you build for me?"

As Stephen stands before the ruling Jewish Council for charges of blasphemy he is asked to give an account for his actions. In perhaps the greatest history lesson ever of the nation of Israel, Stephen tells the entire story of the Jewish people from the time of Abraham to Christ. When the people of Israel prepared to build a temple for worship under King David's leadership, the prophet reminded them that God cannot be contained to any one place - that he is far too big and too powerful to be reduced to a building made of brick or mortar.

As we prepare to build our first facility at PCC I am reminded today that we God is much bigger than any building. You can't contain him to a physical place where one minute you can be in his presence and then out of his presence the next minute. Sure, we need to build a building so we can be more effective at reaching people for Christ. But buildings are just tools. Besides, the Bible says that God's Spirit dwells inside of me the moment I accept Christ as my savior. After all, we are the "temple of the Holy Spirit." So, really, the question is, "What kind of life am I building every day where God's presence can dwell and accomplish his purpose through me?"

God, as I come to the close of another day I pray that you will help me build a life that is worthy of Your Spirit. I give you permission to clean house in my life. Give it a full sweep. Help me be all that you created me to be.