Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Journal Challenge Day #17

Scripture: Acts 17:11
For they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.

When Paul preached to the people of Berea (the Bereans) they were eager to not only listen, but to research and study the ancient Biblical texts to determine whether or not what Paul was teaching was true. It's not as if they were coming across as critics. Instead, it appears that they were just hungry and excited to learn of Jesus. It says they examined the Scriptures everyday. Their interest and commitment to the Word of God led to a great revival where many came to faith in their city.

I need to take a lesson from these "noble Bereans" and faithfully read, study and discuss God's Word everyday. It's great to have some friends in my life (my community group) where we can talk about God's Word and how it impacts our daily life. This is not only for my personal benefit. You see, if we all get fired up about God's Word and bring it into the context of our community and daily life - God can ignite a move of God right here in Pocono like he did in Berea.

God, create in me a hunger and desire to read your Word everyday. Thank you for this time where our entire church family can come together and read, discuss and apply your Word to our lives. Make us like the Bereans of great nobility. Encourage us and inspire us to apply your Word in the Poconos and give us revival today!