Monday, January 21, 2008

Journal Challenge Day #16

Scripture: Acts 16:9
During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, "Come over to Macedonia and help us."
Paul was on a journey for Jesus and wanted to go to Asia to spread the Good News. However, he encountered spiritual opposition and was unable to travel to that land. It's interesting how often times the devil tries to mess up our goals for God. That's not a problem for God! The Holy Spirit called an audible for Paul and redirected his path to Macedonia. One night Paul a vision of a man from Greece crying out to him and asking him to come to his country and tell them about Jesus.

It's so cool how the Holy Spirit works with those who truly desire to share Jesus with others. That I'm not out there on my own. God's very own Spirit is there guiding me and daily leading my steps. This verse also reminds me that the world is full of lost people who are desperate for the real God. They are crying out to us too saying, "Come tell me about Jesus in a language that I can understand."

I thank you God for the gift of your Spirit. Please continue to lead and guide me to people who want to know you and experience your love and grace in a real way. Help me be sensitive to the leading of your Spirit. When things to work out the way I want them to ... when my plans need a mid course correction ... help me not be disappointed. Instead, let me know that you are leading me and that you know what's best, not only for me, but for other you want to use me to reach. Orchestrate the events of my every day so that I may be used to share Jesus with someone else.