Friday, June 01, 2007

Why I Take a Break

Ministry is one of the most rewarding, yet challenging pursuits in life. Here are some reasons why I disengage periodically from the all-consuming life in ministry.

1. Recharge my soul. In a nutshell, ministry is giving your life away. You invest your time, energy, emotions in an an effort to help others heal from their hurts and accomplish their God-given potential in life. That process is exhausting. Preparing sermons, counseling those in crisis, raising the necessary finances and leading staff and volunteers will suck the life right out of you. The bottom line is that I have to take a break from my schedule because it will eventually break me. I need to get alone with Jesus and let him speak to my heart and energize me with his Holy Spirit.

2. Rekindle my marriage. The sad truth is that many ministers focus so much on building a strong ministry that they end up losing their spouse and loved ones in the process. I made a commitment early on to not sacrifice my marriage on the altar of ministry. I need to take a daily time with Bekah to talk about our day, a weekly 24 hour period to just hang out and spend time together, and an annual getaway (without the kids) to invest in our relationship. My marriage and family is my number one ministry.

3. Refresh my vision. When I get away it helps me relax. When you relax and loosen up in life, it generates Theda waves in your brain which are responsible for creative thoughts and ideas. That's why when you are taking a shower or sitting on your lawn mower and just relaxing while you mow your lawn that you will often times have the most creative ideas. Creativity refreshes your heart and soul.

Are you do for a break?