Monday, June 18, 2007

What I'm Excited About - Part 1

This week I want to spend some talking about the things in life and ministry that really rev my engine. So, let's kick it off.

1. I'm really excited about my walk with Christ.

I know that my sound like some cliche, especially coming from a pastor. After all, pastors are supposed to be excited about Christ. We are the "paid professional Christian - the hired holy men of God." But my relationship with Christ is much deeper than my profession.

In the past few months I have been sensing a deep move of God's Spirit in my life. A move towards personal renewal and times of refreshing. As I have been studying and reading the Word and journaling about those quiet moments I have experienced an intimacy with Jesus unlike any other time in my life.

We've been singing this song at church that says, "Falling in love with Jesus was the best thing I've ever done." That's how I feel right now in my faith. And I know that as Jesus takes me one step closer to Him and into deeper deminsions of my faith and spiritual maturity, it is just a matter of time until the PCC family gets there too.

Here's some practical advice on fostering a relationship with Christ that will flourish:
*spend time in God's Word daily
*keep a journal - write out what you're learning and your prayers
*fast and pray weekly
*read some books on spiritual growth or leadership (I just finished rereadig Next Generation Leader by Andy Stanley and Courageous Leadership by Bil Hybels.
*share your faith regularly