Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Things That Bug Me - Part 2

Here are some more things that really bug me.

1. Almost any email with a FW: in the subject line.

2. Gossip. This is perhaps one of the most lethal tools of the enemy. It creates disunity and division in the body of Christ. Here are couple defintions so you will know it when you hear it: 1)Hearing something you like about someone you don't; 2)When you are neither part of the problem or solution; 3)Sending a "letter of concern to a friend and never signing it." Don't give in to gossip. If a gossiping person calls you on the phone "to pray" about something, just hang up the phone.

3. Legalsim. This is the pinnacle of religiosity. Legalism is when you define your faith completely on what you do and not on what Christ has already done. It's when you place your personal convictions and standards of holiness on someone else. Legalism is cleaning the outside of the cup without cleaning the inside.

4. Traditionalism. Now, don't get me wrong, I love traditions. My family has plenty of them ... like opening at least one of our presents on Christmas Eve. I love that tradition. Traditions build stability, consistency, and comfort. But, traditions have a downside, too. They can get us into ruts, especially in the church. Always remember, every tradition you hold dear was once a cutting edge idea that broke with previous standard operating procedure.

5. Joy suckers. These are people that constantly complain and never have anything positive to say. They suck the joy right out of me and they really bug me. There is enough negativity in the world, I don't have to dwell on it even more. We are supposed to think of what's good, noble, and right. Don't be a joy sucker. Be a smile maker.

6. Uncommitted people. It takes commitment to building something of great value. You can't build a great marriage without commitment. You can't build a great business without committment. You can't build a great church without committed people. When people don't show up and you are counting on them to be there it is very disspointing and even demoralizing. It's like they are saying, "I just don't care." Eventually, everyone becomes the sum total of their committment in life. What are you committed to?