Friday, June 08, 2007

A Church That God Blesses

I want to be part of a church that God blesses. Nothing is more important in the Christian walk than to have the blessing of God in your life and upon your ministry.

As I was reading through the book of Acts which chronicles the early days of the New Testament church, I came across some key elements that demonstrate that kind of church that God blesses. Here are a few of them.

God blesses a church that ...

1. Prays together. Acts tells us that the church was birthed out of a prayer meeting. The early church understood the importance of prayer. They understood that nothing happens without it.

2. Grows together. Early Christians devoted themselves to the teachings of the Apostles and to the Torah. God blessed their love for truth and His Word.

3. Gives together. They all took care of one another's needs. Of course, this didn't come without some work. See Acts 5.

4. Worships together. The early church met weekly in the temple courts and also in smaller home groups. They understood the need for worship and community.

5. Reaches out together. Acts 2 comments that God added to the church daily those who were being saved. They understood Jesus' commission to reach out with his love.

I don't know about you, but that's the kind of church that I want to be part of.