Thursday, January 15, 2009

Praise & Worship

Praise & Worship. We here these words interchanged or combined all the time. I love that Praise & Worship has become more prevalent today, but both terms are lumped together so much it makes it seem like they are one in the same. Actually, praise and worship are two different things. One of the only things they have in common is that they both require some level of relati0nship.

Here's a few thoughts about Praise.

Praise is defined as being the act of expressing approval or admiration. I might also add that it can be giving honor to someone, or a group of people, to someone else. It could even be stating thanks to someone for what they have done. We do this in everyday life...telling someone how great a singer is, praising an athlete for their accomplishments, or telling our wife how great she cooks dinner (hint, hint). To praise someone does not require that you know them in depth, but it does require you to have some type of knowledge about them. I may praise the recordings of The Beetles to some friends as we talk about music. I praise them because I have a knowledge of their music, yet I don't have an intimate relationship or know them on a personal basis.
But as I learn more about them my praise and admiration of them deepens and it leads me to want to know more and more.....which increases my praise....and on and on it goes....

When we talk about offering Praise to God, we're talking about a powerful thing. Paul & Silas knew the power of Praise. Check out Acts 16:23-26 if you want to see what I mean. Praise is powerful and God honors it. It is a vehicle by which we can enter the presence of God (Ps. 100:4 - Enter His gate with Thanksgiving; and His courts with Praise...). Praise helps us get in the presence of God so that we can worship him. I believe we can Praise anywhere, not just within the walls of the church. I can show love, adoration, and thanksgiving to God each day in my car, at work, or at home. When we come together our Praise becomes corporate, perhaps even energetic and loud. I'll let you in on a can even be fun.

David provides a great example of praise in Psalm 145. If you have a chance take a moment or two and read this psalm. Really read the words of David and even try reading them aloud directly to God. One last thought.......Praise can be a lifestyle, an ongoing act from you to God...

We'll look at Worship next blessed!