Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bad Lessons Weather - Part 3

3. Bad weather slows momentum, but doesn't kill it. 

Momentum is a leaders best friend. You can do just about anything once you have momentum. Why? Because momentum creates excitement and excitement creates anticipation. Momentum plus excitement plus anticipation equals growth. 

However, when you have to cancel multiple services like we have had to do recently, it certainly slows momentum for your church. You would be surprised how quickly people get out of the habit of going to church when you cancel services. Plus, the average regular church attender in America only goes to church twice a month. So, if you cancel services multiple times within a matter of weeks it's easy for people to be out of church for two months without blinking an eye. This all adds up to a momentum slower, but not a momentum killer.

The ultimate momentum killer is a sin. When you have "sin in the camp" it will literally destroy the stability and unity of your church family regardless of whether you have snow or sunshine. 

I thank God for the unity we have at PCC and know that it will bring us through a challenging time as a church family.