Friday, January 16, 2009

Praise & Worship - Part 2

I'm excited to share some thoughts today about Worship. Worship is an expression of our love to God - who He is, what He's done, and for what He's doing. It is a physical expression of our spiritual relationship with our Father in heaven. Notice I said expression. For some reason we often think that worship can only occur when there's music. We can worship / express our love and devotion to God in many ways. Music is definitely one way, but Jesus showed us many other ways to worship - through obedience, teaching, reading & quoting scripture, prayer, fasting, and giving.

Another component to worship is that it is a response to the love that God has shown to us. An expressive response. I can express my love and devotion through not only my words and actions but also through art forms such as painting, dancing, music, drama, or through simple obedience. But you see, my worship is the result of the intimate relationship I have with my heavenly Father. The more I understand and experience His love, the deeper my worship becomes, and the more my life actions are expressions to Him. My Praise/thanksgiving gets me into His courts / presence so that I can bow before Him and worship. Its sad that sometimes we limit our worship to just Sundays or prayer meetings. God desires us to worship Him continually. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

One last thing to ponder......your worship on a Sunday (corporate worship) is the result of your worship individually. All I'm saying is please don't rely on Sundays as the only time you praise & worship. Find those times to 'hang out with God' in the quiet places and express your love and devotion to the creator of all things. As you 'respond' to His greatness and love, through worship, it provides an opportunity to know Him more intimately. During those times I can assure you He will show you more than you could ever imagine!