Friday, July 13, 2007


Reports this week suggest another possible terrorist attack on US soil sometime this summer. Of course, there are mixed reviews regarding the presence of Al Qadea operatives in America and their ability to pull off another wide-spread terrorist attack.

Meanwhile, the Lebanese army pounds remaining hideouts of Fatah Islam fighters holed up in Palestinian refugee camp. See picture above.

Honestly, I haven't been watching much TV news lately. I used to be a news junkie, consuming insatiable amounts of talk radio, Internet and TV media. However, the past 6 months the I've been on a news diet and haven't consumed much news at all and I even quit getting the daily paper. Instead, I've been investing the time I used to spend on bad news reading the Good News.

Now, don't get me wrong. We all need to be informed. We need to know what's going on in our community, country and around the world. But here's what I found now that I spend more time with God than Bill O'Reilly.

1. I have a more positive outlook.

So much of what you read in the paper or see on TV news is bad news. It's one horrific, gut-wrenching story after another. The sizzle sells. These producers and media moguls are trying to sell papers or ad space. It's more than just reporting the facts. And if you watch enough of that stuff you'll hardly want to get out of bed in the morning. On the other, when you meditate on God's Word and think things that are "noble, pure, and right" it will change the outlook on your every day. Each day in God's Word I am reminded that there is a loving God in Heaven that is accomplishing His purpose in this world.

2. I don't worry so much.

I'm convinced that whatever you feed grows. If you feed fear, you'll become more fearful. If you feed faith, however, you'll have more courage. Most contemporary news organizations manipulate viewers fears with sensationalism. When I spend time with God in His Word I'm reminded that His "perfect love drives out all fear" and that "greater is He that is in me than he that is in this world." Spending the last few minutes of every day with God, instead of Leno, Letterman or Hanity and Combs is a much better way to live.

3. I am compelled to make my life count.

When I spend time with God in prayer and reading His Word, I understand his heartbeat. That is, what is plan is for this lost and hurting world. That heartbeat fills my life with greater passion and purpose than any news beat.