Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Church Planting Landmines - Pt. 2

Landmine #3 - Leadership Backlash
As a leader, everyone is not going to agree with you - even other leaders on your team. Some common battlegrounds include: philosophy of ministry, vision, finances, worship style, preaching and the list goes on.

I'm fortunate to have a great leadership team that finds solutions for each potential conflict.That doesn't mean we haven't struggled through some tough issues and long meetings.

This chapter encouraged me to begin laying out some of the major changes that our church will be facing as we move into our new building. I want to be as proactive as possible and lead our church through change with as minimal backlash as possible.

Landmine #3 - Personal Evangelism Entropy
Entropy is the natural and irreversible tendency to turn inward which leads to chaos and disorder. For the church planter, they begin white hot with the desire to reach out to the lost. But overtime, the tendency is to turn their focus inward and cater to those already converted.

While there are seasons for evangelistic growth and outreach - there are also times to focus on discipleship and stability.

My desire to continue to keep PCCs outward focus will come through:
  • fall sermon series on reaching out to the lost
  • creating opportunities for continued relationship evangelism (going to Rotary meetings, building friendships with leaders in our community that don't know Jesus, etc.)
  • rewarding those in the church that are winning the lost