Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Accountability is the one of the key's to spiritual growth. Anyone who operates without accountability doesn't understand authority and places their life in a very spiritually vulnerable position.

Accountability helps me ward off mediocrity in my life by creating an opportunity for me to take stock and evaluate my life. A friend of mine says, "The difference between an amateur and a professional is honest evaluation."

I have an accountability partner that I meet with on a monthly basis that asks me the hard questions.

Here are a few of those questions.

1. Are you cultivating a growing relationship with Christ through consistent time in the Word and prayer - beyond your sermon preparation?

2. How are things between you and your wife?

3. Are you spending enough quality time with your children? What investments have you made in the lives of your kids since we last spoke?

4. Are you entertaining any secret sin? Are you remaining sexually pure? Have you viewed or been tempted to view any explicit content since we last spoke?

5. What's the financial snapshot of your life look like? Are you faithful with your tithe?

6. Who was the last person you shared Christ with?

7. Have you been completely honest with me during our talk?