Thursday, May 13, 2010


The power of a leaders presence can never be underestimated. Just showing up and rubbing shoulders with those you lead makes a huge statement. Many leaders want to isolate themselves from their staff or organization and only talk with those they summon. I think that's a huge mistake.

There's a management principle I came across some years ago known as MBWA or Manage By Walking Around. MBWA is an effective way to keep your finger on the pulse of your organization and those you lead by simply cruising through the office and saying "hi".

When you offer your time as the leader to your staff and make yourself accessible, it's one of the greatest gift you can give. Don't wall yourself in. Make time for those you lead - even if it's only a quick stroll.

If you are the key decision maker in your organization and yet remove yourself from the context and community of those that your decisions effect - it will hamper your ability to make wise choices.

As a pastor, this means I walk slowly through the crowd on Sunday mornings and greet people in the lobby and spend as much time with people as possible (of course, this becomes increasingly difficult with 5 services a weekend. So I can't do this every service, but I can do it at least once a week.) As a boss, that means I walk through the office and greet the staff and ask them about their family.

So don't hunker down in your office all week. Get out there and get your MBWA on.