Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Why I Like My Denomination

I admit it. I don't talk a lot about the denomination that I belong to. Perhaps it's the fact that I'm just not into religious labels and partisan spirituality. In any event, this week I'm attending our District Council meetings in Camp Hill, PA. and I thought it might be interesting if I shared a few reasons I appreciate my denominational affiliation.
1. The Relational Network - many of my best friends in ministry are also part of this denomination.
2. Accountability - my denomination holds me accountable financially, morally, ethically and theologically. That makes me feel safe and secure to know that I don't simply answer to myself. I have protective ally's that are looking out for me.
3. Resources and Support - my denomination loan fund loaned our church lots of money to help us purchase property and build our first building. For that, I am eternally grateful. It makes me also feel good that the minimal interest we are paying on our loan is being redistributed to other churches for future loans. We are using kingdom resources for kingdom purposes. That's way cool.
4. Ancient-Future Connectedness - the fact that I have chosen to align myself with a denomination connects me with almost 100 years of like-minded followers of Christ that have been experiencing a phenomenal move of God's Spirit. It reminds me that God is doing a new thing in my generation but yet connects me to the God of history.
5. Global Expansion - my denomination has missionaries in over 200 nations of the world with tens of millions of adherents. The ability to partner together for a common cause creates exponential growth opportunities.