Here are some highlights from PCC this past weekend:
*The "Run for the Red" marathon was Sunday morning which means they shut down the highway in front of our church. So, we had to cancel our 1st Sunday morning worship experience. They had 800 plus runners this year since the race is now a qualifier for the Boston Marathon.
*Our 10am service went extremely well considering most of the volunteers couldn't even get into the church until about 20 mins before the service started. It was a herculean effort by our staff and volunteers to pull that service off and I was so proud of how everyone worked together. PCC volunteers rock!
*We had almost 400 people in our Saturday night service. I'm loving Saturday nights at PCC. It's a really laid back vibe - people show up in shorts and sandals and hang out before service in the cafe and lobby. Love it.
*Rachel did an awesome job singing for the first time at PCC. She is a teenager who recently gave her heart to Jesus in our student ministry. She has an amazing story and she has such an amazing voice. Thanks Rachel! God is going to do great things through you!
*The Parenthood series is going well. We've received so many stories of how God is healing entire families and bringing people back together. Go God!
*I preached on Luke 15 and The Prodigal this weekend and there were 48 people who gave their heart to Jesus and decided to come home! That's so cool.
*We've had reports of numerous physical healings take place since our Healer series. In fact, we've had 3 documented reports of cancer patients being declared completely healed. That's a miracle!
*One of the members from the worship team, Lori, led worship Saturday night. Lori, you were great! Thanks so much for letting God use you at PCC. Can't wait to you lead again!
*ALVING SLAUGHTER is coming to PCC next week! He will be ministering at all of our English speaking services. Be sure to bring your friends! Pastor Emilio will be sharing a special message for the Spanish service.
*Our NEW SERVICES TIMES go into effect next weekend - Saturday at 6pm; Sunday at 9:30am, 11am, and 12:30pm (Spanish).
*I'm totally psyched about our new series starting in June called THE RACE. It's going to awesome.