Monday, April 19, 2010

Leadership Secrets

"And I told no one what my God had put into my heart to do for Jerusalem." Nehemiah 2:12

Nehemiah was preparing to rebuild the city walls of Jerusalem. God had put a great vision in his heart that would result in a nationwide spiritual, economic, political and social renewal.
This move of God was going to be huge and Nehemiah knew it.
But wise leaders know when to speak and when to be silent. Every leader must keep leadership secrets. Nehemiah was careful to investigate and gather the facts and pray about the situation prior to inspiring people to join the cause. He showed leadership restraint in not speaking too soon or sharing too much.
Not everyone can handle the vision that God puts in a leaders heart. Sometimes the plans that God has for us seem overwhelming and require too much sacrifice.
Has God put a vision in your heart for the future. Be careful when and with whom you share it. Investigate and study how to make the vision a reality. And when the time is right - cast that vision and watch God bring it to pass.