Thursday, November 05, 2009

Ministry In The Margin

Much of the ministry of Jesus was unplanned. He walked by a funeral one day and saw a widow and drew out of that scene some profound truths of His Kingdom. On another instance, he looked at a field of flowers filled with sparrows and made spiritual application for how we are to simply trust God. One day at a wedding he changed water into wine and began his public ministry with supernatural power and spiritual truth.

I find the most significant moments for ministry come in the margin in life - the times that are unexpected and unplanned. When I make a run to the store and bump into someone I know and God gives me an opportunity to share Christ's love with them standing in the check out aisle. Or I meet a complete stranger in need and I'm able to be Christ's hands extended to them. This is ministry in the margin of life.

I pray that God's Spirit makes me more and more sensitive to these unplanned and unexpected opportunities in life to give a helping hand, a timely word of encouragement or a listening ear on behalf of Christ.

Am I too busy to minister in the margin of life? How can I be more sensitive to God's Holy Spirit during my everyday? If I am too busy, what can I do to slow down enough to notice the needs around me? Just some thoughts I'm wrestling with today.