The church planters
boot camp in
Virgina is off to a great start. I've been spending a lot of time making new friends with a group of church planters/pastors from Germany. They are some of the most brilliant people I've been around. Their intellect is only surpassed by their passion to witness the heart of their nation turn back to God. They truly
possess a God-sized vision. It's quite humbling to be around people with such big dreams.
I taught for almost 4 hours today on vision. Here are a few things we discussed in our session:
1. Vision is what God wants to do in and through me.
2. Vision is non-negotiable. It's not
debatable. It's not up for discussion or vote. God speaks the vision to the heart of the leader.
3. Vision is sacred. It comes from God. How the vision is accomplished - which is strategy - is always adaptable and changeable.
4. Vision brings unity and focus.
5. Vision creates excitement. Excitement yields anticipation. Anticipation births momentum. Momentum is the best friend of any leader.
6. Vision leaks. That is, it must be constantly shared by the leader to his/her followers much like a third grade teacher reinforces classroom lessons. Even the greatest leaders must constantly communicate their vision.
7. Vision bring life. It's a picture of a preferred future that inspires people to believe and have faith.
8. Vision brings accountability. It's the basis for how you evaluate whether or not you are accomplishing organizational goals.
9. Vision determines not only what I do, but what I don't do. It helps me choose between what is good and what is best.
10. Vision must be written down and clarified in the heart of the leader in order to be effectively shared with others.