Thursday, July 28, 2011

Off-Site Planning Retreat

Today our staff is participating in an off-site, one-day planning retreat. We are ramping up for the fall and specifically preparing for the implementation of a completely new discipleship and family life ministry system.

It's really exciting to think of all the new changes that we are working on to develop a stronger and healthier church. What an opportunity for growth and more changed lives.

Here are a few reasons why we do off-site planning sessions:

1) Unleash - Often times just a change of scenery helps unleash the creative process. Once you are out of the office and out of the routine you can get in a fresh perspective on challenges and obstacles within the organization.

2) Unplug - We intentionally go to locations where there are limited distractions like this camp that's in a pretty remote place up in the mountains. There are limited phones, wi-fi, email, and a myriad of other hi-tech interruptions that jam up a typical work day.

3) Unwind - Off-sites provide a great opportunity to spend quality time with staff members. We always include some free time where we can just hang out and relax and enjoy one another. This down time does wonders to build team morale and camaraderie.

4) Unpack - An extended meeting time away from the office affords the staff valuable time to really unpack important issues. This additional time spent brainstorming, thinking, discussing and praying produces a solution-oriented plan and God-sized goals.