Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas Advice

As we gear up for the final days before Christmas, here are some thoughts to help you reduce the stress of the season.

1. Remember that Christmas is all about Jesus. It's way too easy to get sidetracked by all the materialism of our culture - the presents, parties and pastries. Don't lose sight of the fact that we are celebrating Jesus' birthday. You got something for everyone else, what did you get for Him? Give him your commitment and time and energy this season.

2. The best gifts are not always the most expensive. You don't have to spend a lot of money to express your love or appreciation to someone through a gift. In fact, it's been my experience that the best gifts don't come in colorfully wrapped packages. It's when we give of ourselves that we give the best gifts. Don't go into debt for a gift that's going to end up in a yard sale in less than 10 years. Give the gift of self this year.

3. Don't eat too much - exercise more. I don't know about you, but I end up going to a ton of Christmas parties. I love cookies and egg nog way too much. Spend some time on the treadmile this Christmas or park a little further from the mall entrance. Go outside and play in the snow with your kids and make a snow man. Get the old ticker going and focus on healthy eating and sleeping patterns.

4. Be thankful. Break the grip of greed this Christmas by expressing your gratitude to God and others for what you already have. Tell you spouse or kids how thankful you are for what it means to have them in your life. Spend time with God in prayer and give him thanks for what he's done in the past year.

5. Reach out to others. Christmas is a great time of the year to express the love of Christ in practical ways. Most people are even open to an invitation to go to church this time of year if you will just ask them. Reach out through acts of kindness. Serve in a soup kitchen. Get some friends together and go Christmas caroling. Invite someone to church - who knows, you could be the star in someones life this Chrsitmas that leads them to Jesus.