Friday, October 21, 2011

Daniel Fast Day #6

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." Matthew 6:5

It's no secret I enjoy a great meal. But after every feast, I'm always hungry again in less than a few hours - never truly satisfied. 

You don't realize how powerful your hunger for food really is until you fast. Simply denying myself the food I eat on a typical day has awakened a giant in my gut. The first few days of the fast my flesh was screaming to be satisfied. 

Interestingly though, the more I've prayed and fasted the quieter those hunger pangs became. Now almost a full week into the fast my insatiable desire for food has almost been tamed. What's more than my appetite being in check is that I have a heightened sense of taste for the food that I do eat.

What's true of my physical nature is also true of my spiritual nature. I sense a renewed desire for God's Word and spending time in his presence. There is a heightened spiritual sense in each moment as I experience the Spirit of God with me through the day in conversations with my wife, as I parent my kids, and go about my work and ministry to others. 

Here's the kicker: at the end of each day there is deep satisfaction with the time I've spent in God's Word and in prayer. God truly does satisfy those who hunger for more of Him and His Word.