Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Politically Speaking

Since the political season is in full swing (I received like 10 flyers in the mail yesterday alone!), I thought I'd share some of my current thoughts on politics:
  • I'm not called to follow a blue donkey or a red elephant, but a white Lamb.
  • Do you really believe if you could get more donkey's or elephants in Washington DC that we would have revival in America? Seriously?
  • Jesus didn't commission 12 politicians, he commissioned 12 disciples.
  • Real change comes from a radical follower of Christ who serves their community with sacrificial love.
  • The answer for America lies not in the white house but in the church house.
  • Since Christians do hold a dual citizenship, we should be involved in politics. But the local church should not be campaign headquarters.
  • Base your vote one the values of the Bible.
  • Christians are called to carry the cross of Christ, not the sword of Caesar. Let's not give a first class allegiance to a second class cause.
  • America's problems will not be solved by a politician or a political party, but by a local church that is filled with the love of Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
  • If we spent more time praying for our elected leaders instead of criticizing them we would probably have better leaders and more righteous decisions.
  • I would rather be known for what I'm for rather than what I'm against. I'm for Jesus!