Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stress Less

So we are in this Financial Peace series and we're talking about how God wants to exchange our stress with His peace. Nothing will stress us out more than financial pressure and debt. There is no denying that this is a tough economy and a lot of people are feeling the pinch. That can lead to a ton of stress.
Here some recent things I discovered about stress.
  • 43% of all Americans adults suffer stress-related adverse effects.
  • 75-90% of all health care visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related complaints and disorders.
  • 1 million workers are absent each day for stress related complaints. That equals 25 billion lost work days annually. All because of stress.
  • That’s why God doesn’t want you to live with stress. He wants you to experience his peace.

What are you stressing about today? Your financial situation? A relationship? A health issue? Focus less on your problems and more on the solution - Jesus. The Bible says, “God keeps in perfect peace, those whose minds are stayed on him.” Trust more. Stress less.