Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Groundbreaking Thoughts

I've been reflecting for the past couple of days about breaking ground on our first facility. This is an historic moment for us as a church.

Here are a few things I sense the Lord speaking to my spirit in regards to reaching this milestone of ministry:

1. If God's your partner, dream big.

2. It's never too late to start something new.

3. God becomes real when I trust Him for the impossible.
4. It takes a team to accomplish the dream.

5. When I pray, God works. There is no substitute for crying out to God who is rich and mercy to all who call upon His Name.

6. Fear paralyzes progress. Faith makes things happen.

7. Together is better.

8. Enjoy the moment. Don't always live in the future.
9. Success is being faithful, working hard, and ultimately trusting God with the outcome.

10. Never quit on your dreams.