Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bet The Farm

Sometimes in life you have to bet the farm. You know, empty the bank account and invest in a God-inspired idea and pray, work like crazy and hope for the best.
That's what God did at Easter. He sent his Son to start an entirely new approach to how people would relate to Him. After Jesus raised himself from the grave and conquered sin and death, he commissioned his follower to go and make disciples. In essence, he bet the farm. What if they failed? What if they chickened out? There was no built-in contingency plan. No back up plan B, C or D if the original A plan fizzled out. God bet the farm on Easter.
That's what we are doing this Easter at PCC. Here's part of our go-for-broke-or-die-trying plan:
1) Fast and pray like crazy.
2) Invite as many people as possible through a radio ads, newspaper, billboards, 50,000 piece mailout, personal invite cards and more.
3) Providing 5 different worship experiences to choose from including starting a brand new Saturday evening service at 6pm and a new Spanish speaking venue at 1pm on Sundays.
4) Encouraging the people of PCC to personally invite as many of their friends as possible.
5) Giving away thousands of dollars worth of prizes the weekend after Easter to provide our Easter guests an incentive to come back and worship with us again.
6) Kicking off a brand new series on Easter called "Healer" that will address how Jesus heals all our hurts in life.
7) Going on prayer drives and prayer walks in our communities.
8) Putting door hanger invites on our neighbors houses to invite them to church.
9) Giving away a special gift on Palm Sunday to all our attenders that they in turn can give to their friends and invited them to Easter.
10) Did I mention tons of prayer and fasting?!?!!
What are you doing this Easter to make the central teaching of our faith - the resurrection of Jesus from the dead - undeniable in your community?