Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Do: Take Two

One way to fight for the integrity of your marriage and purity of your home is to keep the romance alive with your spouse. To help couples fan the flame of romance in their marriage, I led an impromptu marriage vow renewal at PCC. It was amazing to see hundreds of couples stand at the altar and recommit themselves to loving each other the way that Christ loves us. Many PCCers have requested a copy of the vows I wrote, so I've included them below.


Marriage Vow Renewal || Valentine’s Day @ PCC

February 14, 2009

Renewing wedding vows can be a meaningful, touching and reviving ceremony for you and your spouse and family. As a married couple, it is a time to pause and reflect on where you have been and where you are going. It is also a wonderful example to set for your children as you join hands and hearts to reaffirm your love for each other. Fellas, it’s also very romantic.

So, whether you have only been married for a month, a year, 10, 20 or 50 years, I want to give couples here today an opportunity to renew their love and vows today. Perhaps you’ve been through a crisis in your marriage or you are in the middle of one now, this is a wonderful opportunity to start anew and ask God for a fresh supply of his grace and mercy for your marriage and family.

So, here’s the altar call today: I’m inviting you now to step forward and come to the altar and give me the privilege of renewing your vows.


When you first joined hands and hearts, you did not know where life would take you. You promised to love, honor and cherish one another through all things. Life has surely brought you both wonderful blessings and difficult tribulations. So, as you stand here today to and as you reflect back over time as husband and wife, do you reaffirm your vows today? Please answer: “We do.”

VOWS: Gentlemen please turn and face your wife & repeat after me:

Once before, I have stood with you, before family and friends; once again, I take your hand as my wife. I take you this day, and for all days, as my wife. I believe in you and in this marriage more strongly now than ever. It is with joy born of both experience and trust that I commit myself once again to be your husband.

I reaffirm my love for you today. I believe our love for each other will continue to grow and mature through the years. I want to be a Godly and trusting husband. I will love you as Christ loves you. From this day forward, I recommit myself to you until death separates us.

Ladies, repeat after me.

We begin anew today, a life-long oneness. I ask you to continue to be my husband. I have always loved you and I always will. My love doesn't change with health or circumstance. I want to be a good and trusting wife. I want to continue to grow with you in oneness. You are part of me and I am part of you.

We have endured together, laughed and cried together. You are my heart, my best friend, my life. I reaffirm my love and renew my commitment to you today. I promise to cherish you, respect you and grow with you for all the days of our lives.

With you as my husband, the best is yet to be. Once again, I proudly accept your love and give you mine, for the rest of my life.