Tuesday, January 26, 2010


hey there, this is matthew, the student ministries guy here at pcc. one of the biggest underground events EVER will take place on wednesday of this week. submerge is slotted to be a high energy / high impact night. hours of planning and preparation have been geared toward this event, and we are anticipating an incredible night.

a few of the highlights will be: a student led drum line, some fall-out-of-your-seat funny skits, some crazy games & giveaways [including an ipod touch], and a rock your face off band: ABANDON. but if you had to nail down one reason that submerge has been created, it is so our friends can be introduced to the message of God's redeeming love for them.

what i want to throw out into the blogosphere today is this: big events are great opportunities for the lost to be found. no doubt, Jesus lived out a tight-nit kind of relational evangelism... but He was also into the big event setting [feeding thousands, and stuff like that]. so there should be no shame in creating over the top events for the glory of God. the key is to stay true to the purpose. when mapping out one of these big events, simply remember that the main thing is not some crazy giveaway or a goofy skit. the main thing is the message of God's love for His creation. Jesus made a habit of taking the time to tell of God's love to the crowds that gathered around Him. we should do the same. so, create some time for those unforgettable fun moments... but don't you dare forget what the people who came need the most!