1. The best applicants / interviewers make the best employees. Wrong! I've discovered that its usually the exact opposite. People who interview best are usually those who have done it most. Hmmmm. They know how to tell you what you want to hear.
2. The person responsible for doing the hiring knows exactly what they are looking for and what the job entails. Wrong again. Most pastors/managers doing the hiring don't even have written job descriptions or performance profiles. They fail to define the job and to describe the individuals personality, experiences and skills that will best accomplish stated goals and strategies.
3. You can't get references anymore. That's not true.
4. As the leader, I should do all the hiring by myself. It's more effective to build a multi-staff level involvement in the hiring process. Don't hire in a vacuum.
5. I can't make the process too hard or the best candidates will drop out. Don't believe it! The best applicants will rise to the occasion