Monday, April 26, 2010

Weekend Update

Celebration Weekend at PCC this past Saturday and Sunday was amazing. We baptized 76 new followers of Christ. Watching people completely surrender to Christ through baptism never gets old. It was so cool to see entire families make a decision to live for Jesus.

We also wrapped up our series, Healer with a time of prayer for healing at the altars. Each of the 5 services was packed with people calling on Jesus for healing. It was inspiring and heartbreaking at the same time. As a pastor, our calling is to see the great needy of people and also to understand the great capacity of God to meet the needs. It's quite humbling to be part of a move of God here in the Poconos.

I want to thank all the hundreds of volunteers who are making PCC what it is. Your dedication to serve Christ by serving others is phenomenal. Thanks so much for loving the people of this community and for playing a huge part in bringing them to Jesus. So many lives are being changed and transformed by God's grace and mercy. I can't wait to see what God does next.