Here are some highlights:
- One testified of their friend being healed of cancer, Stag 4 skin and breast cancer - Pet Scan now shows her cancer free
- A student (15yrs) shared how he recently gave his heart to Christ and God is now restoring his relationship with his father. In fact, his dad came to church with him on Sunday.
- A young girl testified how she has recommitted her life to Christ and now she is praying that the rest of her family start coming to Christ
- A dad testified at how his son's elementary teacher shared at the open house what she had learned at PCC on the weekend as a first time guest for the Teacher Staff Appreciation Day
- Another shared about how the free book bags helped some neighborhood kids afford clothes
- Many received prayer at the altars for healing and grace.
- I prayed for a teenager who is battling depression and anxiety
And these were just some of the stories represented. PCC is experiencing a great move of God. This the New Testament church in action. Thank you all for coming out and praying. If you missed it, make plans now to make the next First Wednesday in October!