Friday, May 16, 2008

Vision Flows Down

Vision has been defined as the ability of a leader to chart the course for those that follow. JFK was a visionary president. He stood before the world with confidence and declared that the USA was going to put a man on the moon before the end of the decade. That was the vision. Put a man on the moon.

I read that while on a trip to NASA, President Kennedy was
escorted through the facilities to witness first-hand the progress made on rocket propulsion, etc. JFK took a detour from the vision tour and ended up in a hallway with a janitor. Before the secret service whisked the custodian away from the president, JFK asked him, "What are you doing here?" The janitor replied, "I'm sending a man to the moon."

Either he was a quick witted janitor or he understood that the part he was playing at NASA was fulfilling the vision of the President to get a man to the moon by the end of the 60s.

I wonder what the ushers, greeters, or parking lot attendants or musicians and children's workers would say if someone asked them this Sunday morning at PCC, "what are you doing here?" I hope they would say, "We're leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ."

How would people in your church or business respond?

You see, as our church grows larger, my job as the leader is to manage the vision. I don't manage the execution of the vision - the staff and volunteers manage the standards, process and details. However, I must ensure that the vision is being cast and caught.

Here are a couple helpful hints in managing vision:
1. Cast it clearly (keep it simple - can you put it on a t-shirt).
2. Cast it repeatedly (repetition is the key to learning).
3. Cast is convincingly (use stories).