Friday, May 02, 2008


Yesterday I had the opportunity to spend some time with Dr. Doug Oss, my doctoral advisor and friend. We participated in the the AGTS Golf Tournament which raised tons of money for student scholarships.

Doug is one of the many top influencers and leaders at AGTS who had a profound impact on my life. Doug is one of the most brilliant thinkers and writers I've ever met. His wit and imagination is second to none, too.

AGTS is the premier seminary on the planet today. Why? You see, an organization, institution or administration is only as good as the people who lead it. People, not programs are the number one resource of any organization. AGTS has not only the sharpest minds, but the finest leaders of any seminary. I am forever grateful to all of those who have imparted a portion of their time and lives into me. Thanks AGTS!