Thursday, October 04, 2007

Why Pastors Fall

In H.B. London's address yesterday, he discussed several reasons for moral failure in a pastors life. Recent statistics show that 1500 pastors leave the ministry each week. Over 50% of new pastors resign within the first 5 years of ministry. Yet, others leave the ministry because of a moral failure.

Here are some reasons why great men fall.

1. Fatigue and Burn-out.

When you are depleted of energy, you need something to fill you up. Many pastors fall prey to carelessness. They allow themselves to slip in very subtle areas.

Three things observed in every pastoral moral failure –
  • Very limited time alone with God.
  • Unresolved conflicts at home.
  • No one holding them accountable.

A second observation noted in pastoral failure include:

2. An over-abundance of pastoral counseling.

Pastors must have a good referral system – people who you can refer your parishioners to who are better than you are at counseling. This is no indication of weakness on your part. An overabundance of pastoral counseling can lead to spiritual burn-out. When you see the same people, saying the same things, with the same problems, and you begin to wonder if anything ever will change. You keep getting beat down, and you spiritually burn out.

3. Loneliness and isolation.

Pastors and/or their spouses feel isolated and under appreciated. You seek affirmation in other places, and this leaves you vulnerable.

Ephesians 5:3 – let there not even be a hint of immorality. We need to put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6)·

4. The inability or unwillingness to identify areas of weakness.

We need to do everything we can to avoid all areas of personal weakness. You need to have someone to whom you are personally accountable. Someone who you allow to ask you the hard questions. Build safeguards into your life.

If there are unresolved issues from the past, they must be resolved, or they will come back to haunt us.

What is the solution to these things?
1. Intimacy with God
2. Right relationships
3. Adequate rest
4. Honest accountability
5. Meaningful ministry
6. An attitude of joy and thanksgiving
7. A vigilant spirit

Guard your heart, stay pure, love your family, stay very close to God.