It's a known fact that before something becomes a habit, it first must become a daily discipline. These disciplines or daily practices will be the foundation upon which life-changing habits will be built.
This week I want to share some practices that will help you develop a closer walk with God.
Practice #1 - Get Alone With God
Life is noisy. Kids. Work. House chores. Ministry. And the list goes on. You've got to develop the practice of solitude or getting alone with God each day to quiet your spirit and reflect on your life. The most healthy and mature disciples I've met find time each day to get alone with God and contemplate where they are in relationship to God, their faith, their family, friends, etc.
Jesus daily recalibrate his life and ministry. Reach Luke 6:12, Mark 1:35 or Matthew 14:23 and notice what Jesus did to help him find focus and clarity in order to accomplish the mission of his heavenly father.
What can you do today to get alone with God? How would that impact your life?