Monday, March 22, 2010

10 Stupid Things That Keeps Churches From Growing

I'm reading Geoff Surratt's book, Ten Stupid Things That Keep Churches From Growing and I'm feeling like a complete idiot because I've done just about all of them.

Here are some of the highlights:
*Trying to do everything on your own
*Not taking care of my family
*Weekend worship services that are not done with excellence
*Promoting talent over integrity
*Staying in a bad meeting location for too long
*Copying other successful churches and their programs or styles

While I thank God for the growth we've experienced at PCC, I'm reminded every day that it's only because God's grace that we are where we are. On the flip side, I think one of the stupidest things a leader can do when his/her church grows is believe that they actually had something to do with it. This isn't false humility here. This is dealing with the reality of pride that comes with success. I pray for a continued God-dependence and God-inspired risks that keep me on my knees in prayer for the future of our church.