This week I want to share some thoughts about commitment. At PCC, we are praying and asking God to speak to our hearts concerning a financial commitment to our new building campaign, It's About Time.
Here's what I know about commitments: we become in life what we are committed to. I recall a leader telling me many years ago, "Dave, I can tell you exactly where you will be 5 years from now and what you will be like by simply looking at your commitments today." I was like, "yeah, right?" But I soon learned the reality in life that overtime we become the sum total of our commitments.
Here are some of my commitments:
1) I am committed to spending daily quite time with God.
Result: growing follower of Christ.
2) I am committed to my wife and kids and spending time with them every day.
Result: building a strong healthy family.
3) I am committed to becoming the best pastor I can possibly be.
Result: a growing and healthy church.
4) I am committed to reading, listening to best practices seminars, etc.
Result: i will become a growing leader.
5) I am committed to tithing and over and above giving.
Result: financial stability and blessing.
6) I am committed to eating healthy and exercising: NOT!
Result: I am out of shape, get winded walking up a flight of stairs, overweight and loathe my
sedentary lifestyle. You see, it works both ways.
We become what we are committed to. What are you committed to?