"I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but -accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right."
Peter admits that he held to the belief that God cared more about the Jewish people than any other people group. However, an angel of the Lord appeared to Peter in a dream announcing that God equally loves and accepts all people. What great news. There is no room for racism in the church. There is room in the Kingdom of God for all people regardless of the ethnic background.
Everyone is equally valuable and lovable and forgivable in the Kingdom of God. Honestly, it's so difficult to not see the outward differences in one another. It's human nature to categorize people by the way they look, dress and speak. But God doesn't evaluate us by our outward appearance. He looks at our heart.
God help me today to see the world through your lenses. As Dr. King prayed, help me evaluate others based on the contents of their character, not the color of their skin. Let our church be the kind of place were everyone is treated with love and respect. Let that vibe ignite a revolution of unity and oneness in this great community. Amen.