Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Thanksgiving Prayer

Today I'm officiating a funeral for one of the family members in my community group. Losing a loved one is tough, especially during the holidays. Of course, death has a way of making you deal with life. And if handled correctly, death can teach us a lot.

I'd like to write a Thanksgiving Prayer today and share it with you.

Dear Father,

Thank you for your love and grace that is new every morning. In the busyness of the holiday season, I am reminded today of how fleeting and fragile life really is.

Teach me today to make the best use of my life and time by loving You and loving others. Your Word tells me to make love my highest goal. Help me love You and others today.

I thank you for the fact that you love me and have blessed me so much. Thank you for my wife, my kids, my family and our health and home. Thank you for filling us with peace and serenity. Thank you for our ministry and for PCC. May you continue to put your hand upon it and bless it.

Be with me throughout my day and help me add value to others. I don't want to take my life or time for granted. It's a gift you've given me. Let me be a clear reflection of your love to others today. Amen.