Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Questions - Why I Pray

Asking the right questions is one of keys to exponential growth. This week I want answer some BIG questions that will hopefully help you in your journey towards spiritual maturity.

People pray for a number of different reasons. Here are some of mine.

1. It connects me to God. My relationship with God is just like any other in that it's built on trust. Communication is the foundation upon which trust it built. Prayer helps me connect and communicate with my Heavenly Father, thus building lasting trust.

2. It makes me more like Jesus. Jesus spent a great deal of time praying to his Father. I can't be like Jesus if I don't pray.

3. It's a matter of obedience. The Bible doesn't suggest that we pray, it commands the beleiver to pray. Prayer is not optional for the follower of Jesus.

4. It keeps me humble. Prayer flies in the face of self-sufficiency. The very act of prayer is humbling. By it's very nature it is admitting that I can't do it on my own and that I need God's help.

5. It's how I get things from God. The Bible says "you have not because you ask not." Prayer is the primary Biblical means by which God provides our every need.

6. It relieves stress. There's a very practical side to prayer. For me, prayer is like a huge decompression chamber. I can go and "tell Jesus all about it" and it's like taking a huge weight off my shoulders.

7. It builds my faith. When I pray, especially in the Holy Spirit, it strengths my faith. It's hard to describe, but it's as if God comes near and gives me the power and courage I need to do what He has called me to do.

Hope to see you at prayer meeting tonight @ 7pm!