Day One
Luke 1:37 "For nothing will be impossible with God."
In Luke 1 we find a string of miraculous events surrounding the birth of Christ: a barren woman named Elizabeth conceives (mother of John the Baptist), angelic appearances, an understanding husband, a mute husband (both would be miraculous events in my house) and most notably - a virgin birth.
The very birth of Christ reminds me that nothing is impossible with God. In fact, it appears that God specializes in taking seemingly impossible situations into possibilities laden with unlimited potential.
Areas for God to work the impossible in my life this week:
- my unsaved friend who is seeking Jesus / Lord save her
- another friend who's marriage just ended in divorce / that God would heal them and put the pieces of their life and marriage and ministry back together
- for God to heal my friend who just found out she has breast cancer
- for supernatural provision of staff, leaders, volunteers and finances for our church
God, nothing is impossible with you. You are a God of miracles. Please work miracles in my life, church and family for your glory. Forgive me for my doubts and strengthen me in my faith.